How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Dallas During Summer

Did you know that are several factors that can reduce your indoor air quality during the summer in Dallas and make disasters in your health and your electricity bills? Outdoor contaminants such as pollen, vehicle emissions, and industrial pollutants can enter your house, making the air conditioning work harder to filter properly. This, with inadequate ventilation, can reduce your air quality during summertime. 

But do not worry, here you can check with us which indoor air contaminants you should avoid during summer in your home in Dallas and some ways to help you to improve air quality:

What are the most common indoor pollutants in Dallas during summertime?

  • Pollen: Believe it or not, grass, tree, and flower pollen still can enter your home, especially in early summer weeks, causing allergies and respiratory problems for susceptible people and pets.
  • Dust mites: Dust particles, including house dust mite allergens, can build up in homes and cause allergies and trigger symptoms of asthma, which is a high risk during a summer in a hot place like Dallas.
  • Mold Spores: Summertime in Dallas can be annoying for the humidity levels, but also risky. This humidity can contribute to mold growth, causing spores to be released that cause respiratory problems. So be aware of this!
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Do you like using a lot of products to clean your house during summer? Or maybe you think is a good idea to paint inside? Mmm, think twice! Because this can be contributing to poor indoor air quality.
  • Outdoor pollution: If you live close to the big cities in Metroplex, you can spot high levels of pollution during summertime outdoors such as vehicle emissions and industrial pollutants, and these can enter your house.

So, now that we know the potential risks… How you can improve indoor air quality in Dallas during the summer?

Air Purifiers

Consider using HEPA-filtered air purifiers to capture and remove airborne pollutants including pollen, dust, mold, and VOCs. Why? HEPA filters can capture the most minimal particle and their effectiveness is above 98%.

Ventilate properly

Opening your windows during cooler times of the day or night can allow fresh outdoor air to enter your home, which helps to keep air circulating. Also, consider using in kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans to boost the air quality.

Keep windows and doors shut

Although it’s important to air the house when we have it closed for a long time in the day, keeping windows and doors closed during peak hours of pollution can prevent outdoor allergens from coming indoors. You can check how is the current status of air quality in Dallas here.

Keep humidity under control

If you live close to a lake or river, use dehumidifiers to maintain optimum humidity levels (around 30 – 50%) and prevent the growth of mold. And quickly repair any leaks or moisture problems, especially in early summer when we still have thunderstorms and showers.

Clean regularly

Keep your home clean regularly to remove dust and allergens. Use microfibre cloths to vacuum carpets, mop floors, and dust surfaces. When dust is less accumulated, your air conditioning filters can work much better and more efficiently.

Minimise chemical use

Avoid strong chemicals that can contribute to decreased air quality by using natural or low-VOC cleaning products. If you’re going to use a VOC product, open the windows and doors to let air circulate for at least 5-10 minutes. Then, close it and restart your AC again.

Change air filters

This is important! Changing HVAC filters regularly can prevent pollutants from recirculating. Remember: If the filters are not clean, the dust can accumulate in ducts and the air that you can breathe can be full of it.

    As you see, it is not difficult to improve your indoor air quality by using air purifiers, doing proper ventilation and humidity control, keeping a regular cleaning schedule, and more. Not only your AC is going to thank you, but also your lungs and your electricity bill. Remember that here at Mondragon Mechanical we can help you to book a maintenance service and change your filters for real. Just give us a call: 972-214-7002, book in our chat, or send us a message via Facebook or Instagram.

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